Category: Video

24 Apr 2019
Safe Systems Customer Experience Video

Live Action Interviews

These are two examples of the many interview-style videos that I have made for Safe Systems.

I was a one-man production team for both. I handled the main shoots, where I set up the lighting, worked both cameras, and captured the audio. Afterwards, I processed and edited the footage, enhanced the audio, color graded, and added several custom animations.

30 Dec 2018
Banking Bits and Bytes with Brendan Thumbnail

Banking Bits & Bytes with Brendan Video Series

Banking Bits & Bytes with Brendan is an ongoing educational video series hosted by Brendan McGowan, a subject matter expert in banking technology.

I am a one-man production team for the show. I handle the main shoots, where I set up the lighting, work both cameras, and capture audio. Afterwards, I process the footage, organize the session into individual lessons, and edit each episode. I also create the marketing materials used to promote the series.

The episodes are also fairly short, and you can watch all of them on YouTube.

16 Jun 2017
Old Scout Anti-Ransomware Video Thumbnail

Anti-Ransomware Promotional Video

This is a promotional video that I made for Scoutâ„¢ Anti-Ransomware, a piece of security alerting software from Safe Systems. It was designed to support the Scout webpage, demonstrating the importance and interface of such a software.

I was a one-man team for this video. I handled the animations, editing, and scripting.

Subtle aspects of the video, such as the text’s appearance and behavior, were designed to have a seedy hacker aesthetic.